Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Prayer to Assure Blog Survival

Oh God,
This blog thing is proving to be quite the pain in the ass.
It's even starting to encroach into Quantum Leap re-run time.
But Lord let this testament not fall to the wasteland.
Give me the strength to keep writing these things
Grant me never-ending content, and no, not just dirty stuff,
For I'm trying to keep this thing semi-PG.
Grant my laptop 8 days battery life.
Grant my brain more thee's and thou's
Remember old fallen blogs of yesteryear.
May their sacrifice not be all in vain.
Bring me some friggin' readers for godsake,
and a few comments wouldn't hurt too.


Unknown said...

I enjoy thy blogs very much.

KidHoliday said...

My prayers answered!